Dreamstar Generator
Creating fancy objects with simple algorithms:
The dreamstar generator allowes the creation of fance stars proceduraly. The results are generated 3D meshes which also can be exported. Before the release of this asset, the generated itself was used as decoration for my youtube channel. I attempted to do Let’s Plays in german which was interessting at the beginning but became tedious after a while. I figured out that Let’s Plays are harder to do than expected as everything must be correct in order to gain views. My conclusion was that it is just not worth the time and I should stick to things which I seem to be good at which is coding. So the channel is only used to host tutorial videos about my assets but it may contain game development related things in the future.
The objects generated with this asset are beautiful stars which also can be animated. The package itself is completely free to use. So feel free to download it and test it yourself. If you are unsure, check out the documentation or watch the video below which explains how to use it.