Happy new [hamster wheel] year 2019

I got my first job as a junior developer! The last half-year of 2018 was completely dedicated towards the master thesis. Now it is finished and the student life comes to an end. The last five years were an amazing time and the freedom you have during that time is absolutely amazing. Of course you have to do assignments, exams and write all those pesky thesis. The amazing thing is that even if you learn or work more than 40 hours, it is far better than any full-time job because you do it at home and you know that you do it for yourself and not for some chief. Before studying, I worked 6 years as tool manufacturer 40 hours every week and it almost completely ruined my health over time. Actually the life as a student was the first time where I could experience freedom and it is far more worth than any money you get!

Now the student life is over and business life begins where everything is all about earning money. Fortunately I got my first fulltime job as a software developer without the tedious job searching part after obtaining the master degree. So I switched from a relaxed life with freedom to a life without very little freedom and it is very frightening. You stand up early in the morning, go to work, come home in the evening and go to sleep. This cycle will repeat 5 days every week until you are 65 years old…

Is this really the way life is supposed to be?

Seriously can this be the future? Being born on some random planet in a random universe just to work in a company for 8 hours a day until retirement, then waiting for death? Sure you have to earn money for a decent living but how much money do you really need?

What will come 2019?

The company I am currently working is amazing. However the traditional working schedule seems to be very unhealthy for me. So the my aim is to reduce the working schedule to 20 hours/week. This earns enough money to life while you can still enjoy freedom. With freedom, new Unity assets are possible as I gained fundamental skills about writing efficient code during writing my master thesis.