Fraktal Generator

Creating fraktal objects:



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During my bachelor degree, I came into contacts with fraktals when recursion was part of the curriculum. Creating a application which creates simple 2D fraktals was part of an assignment. Although they look very interesting, they were just in 2D and I could not do anithing with it. I really got into this topic when someone showed me videos of fractal worlds which were created with Mandlebulb3D.

When I tried Mandlebulb3D, I was very confused about how it works as the user interface was crowded with features and at worst, it took about three minutes on my terrible laptop to render one image. Also the usage required a certain understanding of math which I seriously dont have. So I got the idea to create a fraktal generator in Unity which is easy to use. I already had experience with very large meshes when I developed the crystal generator so I was able to create one.



Flying through fraktal worlds:

The fraktal generator allows the creation of fraktals in unity by aligning patterns in the 3D Scene views. So the user can create them without knowledge about nasty mathematic constructs. However the main advantage is that the result is an actual 3D mesh which can then be used in any game or application and the creaton does not take hours to generate. The results can even have collision which is so precise that you can actualy fly into the fraktal and collide with even the smallest detail. This was my third product which can be bought for 15$. Also a free Documentation is available but I recommend watching the video below where you can see this tool in action.

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