Google AdSense Advertisment:

Yesterday I checked the integration of Google AdScence to and it worked. Here are the steps required to get Google AdSense Working:

  1. Have a Google Account
  2. Launch the Google AdSence page and connect your google account.
  3. Register your page inside the AdSense page.
  4. Wait until Google has validated your page.
  5. Add this Site Kit Plugin which is provided by Google in your WordPress-Admin view.
  6. Follow the steps in the Site Kit setup guide.

Now advertisments will appear on your web page if “Automatic Advertisment Placement” is activated inside the AdSense view. I reccomend to turn this thing off since it places advertisment in a way so the user cannot interact with the page. I tested this on mobile and seriously why do they place them so bad.

Take controll over AdSense placements:

Instead using Automatic Placement, I generated these “Advertisment Blocks” and it seems that only the “In-Feed” works decent enough on mobile and PC. In-Article and Display blocks also work but break on mobile. Also I turned off every auto placement except these In-Page since these seem to work. If they do strange things, I also turn these off.


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