Cell Generator

Creating cellular automata systems:

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This asset was completely developed during the quarantine using the knowledge about performance optimization. During this time, it was forbidden to go outside and people were forced to stay at home. Therefore, this situation causes plenty of free time to develop things and to experiment around. Also, like most of my assets, the cell generator also uses the full power of multi-threading and code optimization provided by the burst compiling system. The 2-year development time of my voxel engine taught me a lot about unsafe C# development, and this knowledge cut development time of this asset by a significant amount.

The cell generator is a system that simulates cellular automata. The most famous example is Conway’s Game of Life which generates impressive and almost life-like behavior using very simple rules. A cellular automata system requires a field that is subdivided into cells. Each cell has a defined state, like “dead” or “alive”. Then the rules are applied to each cell every iteration.

Create custom cellular automata rules:

The cell generator includes a rule editing system where you can create custom optimized cell rules without coding. Also, it is possible to use up to 256 cell states to create much more complex cellular automata systems than Conway’s Game of Life, which only needs 2 states. The visualization system is a separate system using hull generators, so you can define the visual appearance of each cell state. Since the cell generator has voxel like properties, it is also possible to create a 3D cell field, which can then be sculpted. However, going into the third dimension will have a cubic memory requirement because this generator is optimized for fast cell updating where memory optimizations would cause performance loss. However, designing custom rules is very complex, and therefore I recommend to check out the Documentation. Since it was possible to create this asset in such a short time, I can offer you this asset for just $15 bucks (or how this is called in USA).

Additionally, I managed to include Unity WebGL builds into WordPress.  Below, you can play with a cell generator sample that implements Conway’s Game of Life with an additional rule using “gold” cells.

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