The ugly life as employee(slave)

I am working now full time (38.5 hours) ans junior developer since january and psychological issues are already incoming. Though it is not the first time working full-time in a company before attending university. Back then, I worked about 6 years as employee and the psychological issues were there but it was mostly ignored as everyone told me that you have to work, earn a middle class income, pay horrendous taxes, buy a house and a car, accumulate depts, life your life by getting married, getting kids and be a SLAVE in indirect wording. This is basicly middle class thinking and everyone in my enironment thiks exactly like this. Back then I also had this middle class thinking and it probably prevented me from getting insane during the 6 years worken as employee + bullying. My mind probably was made numb by all those negative people around me.

Lets do the math about employment:

When working as employee, you get paid for 38,5 hours. However you are dedicating more time towards your job and maybe even money to just be able to do your job. Lets take a close lookup about the real hours spend for a full-time. Then we are going to calculate the money/hour you really earn:

My salary = 2400€ before taxes is about 1700€ after taxation and compulsary social insurance. However the tricky part is that you dont see the real cost since the employer also have to pay social security for the employee. In total it is about 3.127,44 (source:

  • 38.5 hours normal work time
  • 1 hour to get into work one direction means a total of 2 hours every day additionally = 10 hours
  • Going to work costs money each month which is a total of about 100€ each month for train ticket.
  • 0.5h compulsary free time at work to eat something as fast as possible. Is not paid and makes a toal of 2,5h additionally at work.
  • Food: Yes you have to buy food at local stores which is more expensive than food at a discounter where you buy mass quantities but makes an additional 4€/Work day = 80€

Summing all up we come to an net income of 1520€. And a total amout of Lifetime spent of 38,5 + 10 + 2,5 = 51h

Although better positions would pay more, but the difference in net income is marginal and between 100€ and 300€ more. Now lets calculate the hourly rate with an income which requires a Master degree.

The average working hours each month are 167:27 hours so we calculate it with 167 hours. Source
Now lets divide 1580/167 and we get about 9,46€/Hour. However this is wrong and contains an ugly mistake! We just divided the net incomy by the total working hours but you are spending more time..According to the source, the total work time is calculated with following formula:

Average working hours = Weekly working hours x 4,35
167,27 = 38.5 x 4,35

Now we come to the final part: The total amount of time spent is 51 x 4.35 = 221,85 round up = 222h/month
The hourly rate now is 1580/222 = 7,11€

Conclusion: You are working for 7,11€ per hour whith a gross income of 2400€/Month. Earning 3000€ gross will not change much because Taxes are rising exponentially beyond a gross income of 30000€/Year and 2400 x 14 = 33600 which already exceeds this value… After 31000 it already reaches 42% + 18% social security fee + 15% employer social security fee. Here is a table of taxation in Austria(in german too lazy to translate)

  • Jahreseinkommen bis zu 11.000 € – 0%
  • von 11.000 € bis 18.000 € – 25%
  • von 18.000 € bis 31.000 € – 35 % Steuern.
  • von 31.000 € bis 60.000 € – 42 % Steuern. !!!!!
  • von 60.000 € bis 90.000 € – 48 % Steuern.
  • von 90.000 € bis 1.000.000 € – 50 % Steuern.
  • Jahreseinkommen ab 1.000.000 € – 55 % Steuern.


After doing the math, the results clearly show how working as employee is not worth your valuable lifetime. Money can potentially be infinite but your lifetime is limited to 80 years. Invincibility does not exist in this Universe! With 7€ per hour total income, you will life a cozy little life archieving nothing. The terrifying fact is that most people are satisfied with such situation and start to marry, get children, buy a house and a car and go on expensive vacations with such an income. With 7€/hour I would not even dare to spend money on luxury.

Therefore I will quit my job in december and use my valuable time to find alternate sources of income. I made a promise to myself to never ever work as employee again! As employee, you life the life of a slave.

Just thing about it: Are you really supposed to be born, raised and educated in order to work 9 to 5 for the rest of your life, get old and die. If yes, then I also could simply skip “work 9 to 5 for the rest of your life” by driving a motorcyle with 300km/h and crashing against a wall.



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