What is a hamster wheel?

What is a hamster wheel?

When is a job a hamster wheel? Now during unemployment, I had time to review my last year during the entry-level job. What was good, what was bad and I found some cues about what is a hamster wheel. Usually, when you visit blogs about financial freedom, they generally...
Unemployment: First 2 Weeks

Unemployment: First 2 Weeks

Life during Unemployment: I worked at my junior developer job for one year and I am now unemployed for 2 weeks. Exactly I am unemployed since 27.01.2020 which is also the date when I have to visit the Jobcenter called AMS here in Austria. The law itself requires you...
What is a hamster wheel?

1 year hamster wheel

1 year hamster wheel: I worked at my junior developer job for one year and in another post, I did the math about employment:and the result clearly showed that working under certain conditions is not worth your time. My life during the last year 2019 was basicly: 6:30...

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