1 year hamster wheel:

Rad race from stuart_roger_miles at Pixabay Most people are stuck in the rat race. Try to get out!

I worked at my junior developer job for one year and in another post, I did the math about employment:and the result clearly showed that working under certain conditions is not worth your time. My life during the last year 2019 was basicly:

  • 6:30 – 6:49: Wake up and get ready for work.
  • 6:50 – 7:08 Drive with bicycle to train station
  • 7:08 – 7:20 Travel to work by disease train.
  • 7:20 – 7:30 Travel by foot from station to workplace.
  • 7:30 .16:25 Hamster wheel
  • 16:25 – 16:35 Go to train station
  • 16:35 – 17:10 Travel home with disease train.
  • 17:10 – 17:30 Train station to home by bycycle
  • 17:30 – 22:30 ACTUAL FREE TIME

Subtract 30m Eating, 30m Washing, 1h mundane tasks and you are left with a whooping 3 hours of free time which you can use to learn valuable skills while being exhaused from the working day. Also consider that I have no responsibilities, no children and no girlfriend. So you can guess how bad this is when having a family. When working full time I can expect a net free time of 3 hours per day. Most people have a full time job so they are also in such situation or worse if additional responsibilities are included.

There must be a reason why the majority of the people do not educate themself and are stuck in a poverty cycle which goes on for generations: Children are born, grow up, go to school, go to college and get a job. Sometimes the college part is skipped but they end up in the same situation having almost not time to learn valuable skills. Their whole life is controlled by other people and centered around the job.

Some people must buy a car because it is needed in order to reach the workplace. Under special circumstances it is possible that the net unemployment income is higher than the net income when going to work. This is the case in many european country especially germany. Neverless after 1 year of wasting my time, I am finally unemployed and can look for something else which is worth my time.