Development Videos on Youtube.

Our programmer has started to maintain a Youtube channel with his nickname “Ragnara”. His channel is going to mix Lets Play with Game Development related stuff. It will also show updates about our game projects if it doesn’t contain huge spoilers like showing a unity video a level. The aim of our team is to lifestream game development. However our current internet speed creates a huge problem that is very hard to remove. Currently his videos are done in German, so another channel may be introduced in the future.

Lets Develop:

Sometimes, our coder is fast at implementing requested features of his team that he runs out of work. But it doesn’t stop him from coding funny stuff or experimenting with new features. This is one example video where he shows the level of our early prototype “Hypersoul” which he found in a secret folder. We thought that this level was lost during development. The weird thing is that he is not skilled very well at gimp or Photoshop so he lets their artist do the creative work. But he is still capable of creating those thumbnails for his videos without any skill in artistic software.

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Unity for everything

Our artists would make those thumbnails in Photoshop. But our coder creates them in Unity. He even wrote a script where he just has to press space during play mode to capture a high resolution image of the current scene. Also some parts of those images are created procedurally. It is indeed a strange way to use Unity but he don’t like working with layers. He prefers to move some Z values and use shaders over any art creating software.

The difficult Part

Currently the most difficult part of his channel is gaining attention. He currently has only a few abonnements and getting them is very difficult at the beginning. Future will show what his channel will become.



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