Crystal Generator:


Our coder has developed a fancy new tool for unity which is the Crystal Generator. This tool is capable of simulating crystal growth like those occuring in nature. Crystals in video games are often generic structures created by an artist and often cosist of some random placed meshes.

With this tool, the developer just has to select one of the included crystal primitives and hit a button to to generate such mesh.

He also implemented a shader which aims to simulate raw crystals which is very difficult as it requires half transparency. Half transparency looks simple in reality, but is a very difficult thing to simulate in real life.

The Asset Store:

Now he has decided to publish this creation in the unity asset store. If this asset gets accepted from the unity development team, you can buy it under this Link for 20$:!/content/72583

Unfortunately reseach has shown that the chances that an asset gets rejected is very high. Tiny mistakes are sufficient that an asset where a lot of work was put in gets rejected followed with a procedural generated E.Mail. Like those E-Mails you get when you search for a job and write many applications to companies. He has made a video about this tool on his Youtube channel.

Good News:

His Crystal Generator got approved by the Unity team. Our coder was really happy about this as he expected a rejection. He knows now what is required that an asset get approved. The asset should be clean with decent documentation and it should be as easy to use as possible. The asset review process is like a job application where a person with no time has to test 1000 new Assignments per day. This means that the asset structure and presentation should be as clean as possible. Documentation is crucial when submitting assets with code as people without programming knowlede may use your asset.

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Contact details:

If you have any questions about this asset contact our coder:

  • Name: Marius Hartl
  • E-Mail:
  • Phone: 06509822249





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