

Fraktalia is my portfolio site which provides released Unity Assets and Games. The main focus of my Unity Assets is procedural content generation and can be used to generate mystical objects such as fractals, ornaments, gemstones and much more.

I love video games and also see the real-life like a video game. The video game called “Real Life” has the best visual quality ever and includes the most realistic physics-based voxel engine ever. However, the gameplay is absolutely the worst. For most people, the gameplay is standing up, going to work, work 8 hours for someone else, go home, sleep, and repeat until you die without having done anything meaningful. Would you want to play such game?

Therefore, the blog contains stuff about the game “Real-Life”, its mechanics and especially avoiding the dangers like dept which can ruin your whole life.

Recent posts:

Hypersoul: The super early prototype

The creation of Hypersoul: Our first game "Endless Dream" is the continuance of a student project called Hypersoul which was developed before our team was founded.  This project was mainly used to learn the basics of unity and like many other projects mandatory at our...

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The birth: Foundation

Foundation: The foundation of our team began with a game project at our university which was an early prototype of endless dream. The project itself was all about learning Unity and not intended to be released one day. During that time, the development team consisted...

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Coffee time:

When a magician cast a spell, magical energy is consumed. In the real world, programmers also create magical spells which consume brain power. Magicians usually drink a bluish colored potion to restore their magical energy. Software developers restore their brain energy with a brown liquid called coffee.

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