
The foundation of our team began with a game project at our university which was an early prototype of endless dream. The project itself was all about learning Unity and not intended to be released one day. During that time, the development team consisted me and two other programmers. After the presentation and grading, we got the permission to continue working on it.

Therefore, I prepared a presentation about the continuance and everything came together. At the presentation day, the team has increased by two Artists and two Sound Artists. However, during the production stage of Endless Dream, the other programmers dropped out and left our team. So I was left alone as the single programmer. Our team was about to fall apart but, we decided to give our project a chance.

A half year later, an alpha version of Endless Dream was presented at Creativity Rules 2016. As a result, we got the recommendation from our professors to release it on steam. However, the time came where everyone had to learn for the final exam. After we got our bachelor degree, we all decided to stick together as a Team.

As a result, a team name was required for social presence which lead to the foundation of LostInPixels. Time will show about the future of our team.

Keep Dreaming!