Cell Generator

Cell Generator

Cell Generator Creating cellular automata systems: This asset was completely developed during the quarantine using the knowledge about performance optimization. During this time, it was forbidden to go outside and people were forced to stay at home. Therefore, this...
Voxel Generator

Voxel Generator

Voxel Generator Creating sculptable objects: During college, I always want to develop a voxel engine. However, due to the workload of the bachelor degree, I never had the time to develop such thing. However, I was really lucky during the master degree and got the...
Away Without Leaving

Away Without Leaving

Away Without Leaving Story In a near-future scenarion, VR has been advanced further where it is possible to reconstruct lost memories or memories from a persons past. However the experience goes wrong due to a traumatic experience. Solve riddles in order to rebuild...


My second game: Wattenizer Wattenizer is the second game I developed as an assignment and is a mobile game where you can play a card game called “Watten”. Watten originates from Bayern, Germany and therefore is widely known in Germany and Austria. Watten...
Negative Light

Negative Light

Negativ Light Exotic Light which darkens the environment:   Anyone knows that light brightens the environment. The three basic colours of light are red, green and blue and result in a white light when combined together. This is also true in computer graphics...

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