Advanced Gem Shaders

Advanced Gem Shaders

Advanced Gem Shaders Fancy gems in video games: Gems in video games are very difficult to simulate because of their fancy effects which are caused by light scattering. I often visited mineral exhibitions where I could come into contact with those precious stones....
Fraktal Generator

Fraktal Generator

Fraktal Generator Creating fraktal objects:     During my bachelor degree, I came into contacts with fraktals when recursion was part of the curriculum. Creating a application which creates simple 2D fraktals was part of an assignment. Although they look very...


Masterscene The everlasting problem with Scenes in Unity3D:   Every developer will sooner or later face the hurdles when working with multiple scenes as the scene management is one of the biggest issues in Unity. Also is it very difficult to implement persistent...
Crystal Generator

Crystal Generator

Crystal Generator Creating huge crystals procedurally:   The crystal generator was my first asset I have released on the Unity Asset Store and my first step into procedural content generation. As I really like crystals and also collect them in the real world, I...

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