Crystal Generator
Crystal Generator: Our coder has developed a fancy new tool for unity which is the Crystal Generator. This tool is capable of simulating crystal growth like those occuring in nature. Crystals in video games are often generic structures created by an artist and often...
Coder goes on Youtube
Development Videos on Youtube. Our programmer has started to maintain a Youtube channel with his nickname "Ragnara". His channel is going to mix Lets Play with Game Development related stuff. It will also show updates about our game projects if it doesn't contain huge...
Hypersoul: The super early prototype
The creation of Hypersoul: Our first game "Endless Dream" is the continuance of a student project called Hypersoul which was developed before our team was founded. This project was mainly used to learn the basics of unity and like many other projects mandatory at our...
The birth: Foundation
Foundation: The foundation of our team began with a game project at our university which was an early prototype of endless dream. The project itself was all about learning Unity and not intended to be released one day. During that time, the development team consisted...